Holiday Hoopla and Dental Hygiene Habits

Holiday Hoopla and Dental Hygiene Habits During the holidays we can get busy. Ok, very busy. Ok, like really crazy busy. It is an easy time to get out of good oral hygiene habits, and so it is [...]

Get Kids to Cooperate at the Dentist

In general, getting kids to cooperate is one of the more challenging aspects to parenting. Part of the problem is that kids have their own agenda, and going to the dentist probably isn’t very [...]

Toothbrush and Toothpaste for Kids

We all want the best for our kids. When it comes to dental care we want to go to the best pediatric dentist (Surfside, of course!), get the best toothbrush, and buy the best toothpaste. The first [...]

5 Bad Habits that will Guarantee Cavities

The best way to ensure you’ll end up with strong, healthy and capable teenagers is to get young children into healthy habits, and with teeth it is absolutely no different. A child’s language [...]

 The Anatomy Of A Tooth

Does your child often wonder what the pediatric dentist is actually telling her while treating her teeth? When he says “crown,” does she think he means the top of a person’s head, or the paper [...]

Are Gummy Vitamins Healthy For Kids?

Vitamins are essential for the growth and development of children. That is why many parents provide their children with supplements like gummy vitamins. For some parents of picky eaters, gummy [...]

We Want Your Candy!

It’s that time again, Candy Buy Back! Happy almost Halloween! We know it is super cool to get the most candy. Candy is great fun, and it’s delicious too! Now there is something else that’s [...]

How Dentists Fix Cavities

Cavities can be a problem for kids, teens, and adults. Plaque constantly forms on your teeth. If you drink or eat foods with sugar, the sticky film of bacteria will produce acids that will attack [...]

Primary Teeth Eruption – A Primer for Parents

Contrary to what some parents may believe, a child’s teeth actually start developing while inside the womb, beginning around the fourth month of pregnancy. Primary teeth eruption usually [...]

Tips For Parents With Kids Who Dread Brushing Teeth

Healthy oral habits should be established at a young age. Unfortunately, most children are more inclined to avoid brushing their teeth. Some will create all sorts of excuses (which can be so cute [...]

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